Parasites in the human body: symptoms

The human body is a great place habitat for many living microorganisms. Dust mites, bacteria, helminths, they will find their refuge here.

Favorable environment, the availability of the necessary trace elements continues to drive and contribute to reproduction. Some even point to the presence of parasites in the body. Another deadly dangerous.


What are the activators can inhabit?

Giardia, helminths, pinworms, tapeworms, flukes, echinostoma. Symptoms of worm infestation almost all of them are similar. No matter what type of the originator is located in the body.

The main symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body nausea and nausea, a feeling of tickling in the back alley, allergic rashes on the skin.

In many developing diarrhea alternating with constipation, when people naively believe that they only have problems with the digestive tract.

Arise gnawing pain in the muscles, aches, increased temperature, weight loss, poor appetite. Here are just the initial symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body.

If the bowel got giardia, often their appearance remains unnoticed. Symptoms of parasites in the body of man will be long missed. No internal changes or external.

Infect them you can simply wash as it should be vegetables or fruit. They are classified as a protozoa, a class of flagellates. They are divided in autonomous shape, and cysts. The last pull of the embryo in a protective membrane, which saves from aggressive factors of exposure. They are very small in amount, are only visible under a microscope.

Symptoms of parasites in children in the acute form of diarrhea and low-grade fever.

Ancylostoma has the following symptoms of the presence of worms — parasites in the human body: rashes on the feet, irritation. Snap is only possible while walking upon the earth without shoes. If the microbes will make their way inside, then multiplies and works like worms.

The tapeworm bullish or swine occurs in the meat. Enough to eat a poorly prepared product. It is dangerous that penetrates the body can get into the brain or eyes. Apni live up to 20 years. Reaches several meters in length.

The most common parasites

From all the above I want to draw attention to the worming. This is their most pick up the kids and the adults. In particular this disease is common in toddlers in preschool age.

Officially worldwide registered up to 140 thousand infected.

In the external environment, the eggs protected by a special sheath. So in the life of the embryo is 45 days. At this time they are not afraid of frost, changes in temperature, radiation, uv radiation, moisture. Especially love to exist in the soil.

Lack of proper hygiene, hand washing, becomes an opportunity for the development of infection. The individual becomes the female and the male gender.

Hitting into the body of the eggs are starting to appear as larvae, or caterpillars shed their shell and move into the abdominal cavity. There already reach sexual maturity. The female brings daily up to 200 thousand eggs. The length of biotechnological grow up to 40 cm.

The most commonly live in the intestines, but they can go in the lungs, gallbladder, liver, eyes, brain, blood vessels. Get into the gall bladder of a large quantity of leads to blockage of the bile ducts. In the liver biotech long they live and die.

How is the infection?

parasites in man

The main routes of penetration of worms are:

  1. drinking dirty water and swimming in contaminated waters, lakes;
  2. raw water from the tap;
  3. unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  4. dirty hands;
  5. contact with infested animals;

Hitting in the stomach attack the first days of the no show. 5-7 days they will start to actively fruit. Moves in and secured on the mucosa of the intestines.

On posted blood flow to the blood vessels and the circulatory system. Re-infection occurs when larvae are in the pack up to the neck.

When a person eats, then sends them back in the gastric tract. Furthermore, the biotech out of the anus due to the natural emptying. While this can be seen in the fecal masses.


The disease exists in acute and chronic form. In the initial stage the symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body will be the following:

  1. an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 39 degrees;
  2. body aches and muscle;
  3. broken motor skills stomach, diarrhea and constipation;
  4. a rash on the skin;
  5. insomnia and headaches;
  6. a feeling of discomfort in the back alley;

In the running stage of helminthiasis symptoms of the presence of humans disappearing. The temperature becomes more low-grade. Sometimes people think that in the body all adjust and go for a change. But it is not so.

Parasitic disease deplete internal organs, the gnawing of the digestive tract, bleeding opening. Form cysts in various organs. Block your gland carcinoma of the gallbladder sometimes lead to necrosis of the liver.

If there are parasites in the body there are long time it is not good, in some cases leads to fatal results.

How to determine the presence of parasites in the body of both women and men?

The fact is that the decay products of the roundworms have different effects on female and male body.

Women are the first indicators will be:

  1. quick prostration, loss of vitality, and weakness;
  2. pain on the side of the ovaries and lower abdomen;
  3. the failure of the monthly cycle, sometimes increasing the number of days of menstruation;
  4. disorders of the functionality of the urinary bladder, kidney
  5. ademia kidneys;
  6. menstruation becomes painful;
  7. develops fibroids and cysts in the mammary glands;

To the list of what was submitted to add an increase in the volume of beloeil, increased nervousness and a decrease in immunity. Men complain mainly on difficulties with urination, inflammation of urinary bladder, adenoma of the prostate, the emergence of snoring, stones, sand in the kidneys.

Other manifestations of worms

We learned what are the symptoms of serve as an opportunity to test themselves on the availability of tapes and protozoa. However, there are still a few signals to diagnose and treat.

Being overweight will appear in the result, the parasitic causative agent poisons the body eye-catching harmful products and absorbs the glucose. The first loss of pounds also talking about the consumption of vitamins and nutrients.

Anemia or anemia, feeding the useful components of the bacterium contribute to blood loss. Symptoms the presence of parasites in the body in children most often gnashing of teeth. Appears as a result of disorders of the nervous system. Oncology, breaks bodies lead to inflammation. The body restores the tissue damage caused by. Injection of the respiratory tract.

Parasitic worm as soon as you get in a light localized at the place and starts reproduction. Cough, runny nose, pneumonia and even asthma a sign that a person is sick helminthiasis.

parasites in the body


To detect the disease and timely approach to treatment will be able to:

  1. general analysis of blood;
  2. examination of the serological tests;
  3. scatological method;
  4. x-rays;
  5. tomography;

First it is good because it allows you to consider a microbe in the initial stage. The level of leukocytes on the basis of indicators increases. Coprology is performed on the basis of the fence feces of the patient. Little bit sees under the microscope for larvae and eggs. However, the technique is not always considered reliable.

At some point the worm has time to put aside your offspring. Radiology is put on the case, if species live in the respiratory tract. Infected given a special tool, after which the pictures of roundworm or tapeworm are visible white streaks.


Once they have been made for granted med examination the doctor examines the data, on the basis of exposing the medication. Self unacceptable, because it tightens the period of illness and preventing recovery.

The course is individual, but the most intense degree of treated for a week, and chronic 2-3 weeks. Then it is necessary to submit material every week.

After the medicine is worth it to watch the process another 3-5 months, to prevent relapse.

Wide application in practice find resources window motor invasion. It is effective against Giardia, opisthorchiasis, bio worming, cestodes at the larval stage, on the enterobiasis. Receiving a lump sum, which is beneficial. Then take for 20 days.

Folk ways

As a helper in the fight against the disease active garlic. The action of vegetables is caused by the antibacterial properties and properties against worms. Drink in slowing the formation of the larvae.

It is used as a prevention, just eat 2 cloves a day.

For the expulsion of the bio worming preparing a garlic solution. It is necessary to leave the whole head in boiling water for a day. After filtered through a gauze, entered the enema. The content is injected into the back of the hall. So during the 3 days. Brings effect and rinse a decoction of the plant with milk. He pulled out several large Zubkov, filled with milk, are boiled to soften it. The potion is filtered and obtained in the tank.

Placed in the anal opening. Do you need 5-6 days.

Another collaborator will be the onion. One large head cut into rings, pour the vodka. Wait 10 days and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals.

Pumpkin seeds mixed with honey. Requires green seeds. On the servings you need 120 grams of seeds and 50 mils of gallons of honey. Eat 1 times in the morning on an empty stomach, do a flush.

Herbs-killing aliens wormwood, tansy, aprs, centaury. The potion need to 4 tablespoons each. Pour the steep boiling water, leave overnight. Filtered and drink 1 century ml twice a day for 10 days.



If they stick to certain rules, then it is possible to keep yourself away from infection. It is necessary to avoid contact with the sick. Always wash your hands before eating and after walking. Handle your hands after playing with pets, and teach it to their children.

Rinse fruits, vegetables under running water. Drink water from wells, lakes and water bodies. Do not use raw water, boil. Always pay due attention to thermal processing products, fish, meat. Refrain from buying in suspicious places.