Simple cleaning the organism from parasites

Wormwood in pharmacology and traditional medicine — is the first remedy in diseases of the liver, biliary tract, gall bladder, violation of labor digestion. However, in the popularly — it is still a popular means of worms. What parasitic disease treated with wormwood?


Antihelminthic properties of wormwood

What are the medicinal properties from the parasites wormwood?

  • Vermifuge. The high content of bitterness in the grass gives her the anthelmintic properties.
  • The excretory. These same bitterness stimulate the secretion of the gall bladder, to normalize the flora of the intestine, the work of digestion, which is often impaired in worm infestations.
  • Blood purifier. The herb acts as a detoxification agent, it cleanses the body from toxins and waste products of parasites (anti-enzymes).
  • Overall tonic. When helminthiasis suffer from the immune system. Thanks to the volatile and vitamins wormwood strengthens the body's defenses.

Basic principles of treatment

How does the cleaning of organism from parasites? A comprehensive approach is required in the treatment. It includes such types of drugs:

  • sorbents and probiotics;
  • anthelmintic;
  • choleretic;
  • tread (revitalizing liver cells);
  • laxatives.

It is also important, a vegetarian diet, and excessive drinking in the treatment period.

Therapy is performed in 4 steps:

  1. The preparation of the body. You can drink flaxseed or pumpkin seed oil, sorbents for the excretion of toxic substances from the body.
  2. Anthelmintic and antihistamines. It may be a strong synthetic drugs, which often give side effect and suppress the healthy microflora. Recently, the resort to vegetable anthelmintic ratios a wide range, most often used wormwood, tansy and cloves. Antihistamines remedies to help relieve the allergic reactions to the toxins secreted by the parasites.
  3. Pumpkin seed oil
  4. Laxatives. To clean the intestines from toxins after the collapse of the parasites.
  5. Restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system. Called a choleretic, enzyme, tread, immunostimulatory means. Rehabilitation after worm infestations is very important. No less important is the control of the treatment and, if necessary, repeat the course of therapy.

It is important to properly take wormwood against parasites in the human body, to get a strong intoxication, poisoning the food of life and the disintegration of the worms. Therefore, it is not recommended to self. It is necessary to set the type of parasitic infection, pass the necessary tests and only then the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis — the defeat of the worms of the biliary tract and the pancreas. The invasion is dangerous because the can go in the chronic form. This leads to a risk of acute inflammation of the liver, biliary tract, gallbladder, there is a risk of rupture of the biliary tract and the occurrence of cancer. Also may develop bronchial asthma and pneumonia. Wormwood from opisthorchiasis often contain herbal tea, a drink with tansy, thyme, clover, St. John's wort, aspen bark, green seeds of the pumpkin. In the official medicine wormwood against opisthorchiasis refers to the vegetable resources of first choice. With this diagnosis are prescribed a powerful synthetic anthelmintic means.

Treatment of giardiasis

These protozoa single-celled — frequent guests in the human body. Giardia multiply in the small intestine, but then often move to other organs — the liver, the gallbladder. Parasites trigger inflammatory processes in these organs, clog up the bile duct. Despite such a terrible diagnosis — "parasites in the liver" — giardiasis successfully cured, the liver recovers fully. However, to reveal its sometimes difficult, because the symptoms of this disease are similar to symptoms of diseases of the organs of the digestive tract, giardiasis often passes into the chronic form. Wormwood from Giardia can be a therapeutic effect only when the most stringent diet, with the exception of sweet.

Infusion of wormwood

Wormwood from giardiasis can be used in pure form. But for a greater therapeutic effect you take it together with other vermifuge herbs — tansy, with Ledum, celandine, kidney birch, the air, gentiana, shoots of pine and poplar trees, St. John's wort, walnuts nut to crack.

Treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis

Using decoctions and herbal extracts of wormwood successfully excreted from the body of pinworms (enterobiasis) and roundworm (ascariasis). The herb is taken orally in the form of alcohol tinctures and decoctions. Of decoctions and water herbal extracts are doing an enema to cleanse the bowel from parasites. In decoctions for the reception inside is often added crushed pumpkin seeds and garlic. You can come across recipes mikroklizm from worms on the basis of wormwood with the addition of onion and garlic. These funds may hurt the sensitive mucosa. And in ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the rectum, hemorrhoids such methods of treatment are contraindicated.

Mode and rules of the use of wormwood

In the first place it is necessary to identify the type of worm infestations and the stage of infection. And make it can only a doctor. It is also important to note the comprehensive approach in the treatment of. Without sorbents, antihistamines, enzymes, laxatives drugs the action of wormwood can be so effective.

  • How to take the wormwood from parasites — before meals or after? All the anthelmintic means taking for 30-40 minutes before meals. Also recommend taking the grass in the evening, before going to sleep.
  • The frequency of admission and course of treatment. Has a therapeutic, when teas take twice — morning and evening to ¼ cup. But it is possible to divide them into 4 adoption 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment wormwood should not exceed two weeks. But when worm infestation cleansing the body can take a month under the supervision of a physician.

Features of the application in children

How safe is it to wormwood for the kids? Maybe the grass will bring less damage to a child's organism, than synthetic anthelmintic drugs. However, you cannot forget the toxicity of wormwood and her age contraindications. Only a doctor can prescribe a medicinal plant to the children.

  • Wormwood from Giardia children. It is known that children often adults infected giardiasisom. This is due to the violation of the hygiene, frequent stay out (of the game in the sandbox) and more open contact with the outside world. There is also a physiological cause: in children, stomach acidity is much lower than in adults, so the chance of survival for Giardia is much higher. There is a third reason — kids love sweet, and it's also food for the multiplication of these parasites. Wormwood in giardiasise in children helps only in the complex therapy.
  • Wormwood boiled in a cup of
  • Wormwood when pinworms and ascarids. These parasites — frequent guests in the baby's body. And decoctions of wormwood well to cope with them. But for successful treatment it is necessary to take the herb repeated courses several times to donate to the analysis of feces on the enterobiasis and ascariasis. It is also important to observe in the period of treatment hygiene, accommodation, wearable and bed linen, to carry out preventive treatment of the whole family.

In adults treatment weed can take up to 1 month. Long-term use and overdose can lead to unwanted side effects. The most commonly arise from disturbances of digestion: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, diarrhea, constipation, bloating. Possible violations of the nervous system: convulsions, tremor, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. You cannot exclude an allergic reaction to the grass in the form of hives and itching.

Recipes for the preparation of a tincture, infusion and decoction of the

The use of wormwood from worms in humans is possible in various dosage forms — in the form of infusion, decoction of, alcohol tincture, powder. As already mentioned, often the wormwood in the lineup with other herbs anthelmintic action.


How to drink wormwood from the parasites in the liver? For this it is recommended to cook fees herbs. The treatment is carried out at a vegetarian diet, with the exception of meat, fatty foods.

Preparation, tincture from the collection of herbs:

  1. Take 1 tsp mugwort, Helichrysum, yarrow, st. john's wort, buckthorn, chamomile, oak bark.
  2. Pour ½ liter of boiling water.
  3. Insist in a thermos for 8 hours.
  4. Voltage.

Take fee of an empty stomach once a day for ¼ cup. The progress of the cleaning lasts for 10 days, after that is done take a break for 3-5 days, then the course is repeated.


A decoction can be taken orally, and also use it for medical enemas. Recommend to cook decoctions a day, to them continued useful bitterness.

Recipe for the preparation of the decoction of

  1. Take 1 tsp of the herb.
  2. Tincture of wormwood
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  4. To cook or hold on a water bath for 5 minutes.
  5. Insist half an hour.

Take ½ cup 3 times a day.


Alcohol tincture of worms it is possible to cook not only from grass, but also the seeds of wormwood. This drug form is convenient in that it can stored for a long time, it can be calculated for a longer course of treatment.


  1. Take 1 articles l. dry grass.
  2. Fill the 5 century l. vodka.
  3. Insist 7 days.
  4. Voltage.

Take tincture twice a day — morning and evening before bedtime. The dose for adults is 15 drops. There are recipes for cooking more weak tincture — 1 part herbs take 10 parts of alcohol. But also there are recipes where they take on 50 or 100 g of the herb in half a liter of alcohol. It shows a strong tincture that you can take on 3 drops. In order to prevent overdose and poisoning, it is necessary to carefully treat with a similar recipes.


Often recommend taking a pill of wormwood with water. Powder slower currently underway throughout the department of the intestines, its effect on the worms more efficiently. For the expulsion of Ascaris and roundworms recommend the use of a powder from the seeds of artemisia Cina. How is the treatment?

  • On one course of treatment will last for 100 g of powder of the grass.
  • The first 3 days powder drink 6 times a day, according to incomplete teaspoon.
  • On grass runs 4 times daily at the same dose.
  • The course of treatment — 7 days.

Similar to the cleansing of the organism can perform in the preventive purposes, but not more than two times per year. It is also recommended during the treatment give an enema of wormwood.

"Russian trinity"

A lot of positive reviews on the method of "Russian trinity" (on the Ivanchenko) from the parasites, when the mixture of powder of wormwood, tansy and cloves. What is the method?

Preparation of the mixture:

  1. Take 100 powder tansy.
  2. Add 50 g of powder and cloves 30 g of powder of wormwood.
  3. Mix.
  4. Keep the mixture in a sealed container.

Are taking a drug on such a scheme:

  • first day: first dose (1 hr. l. without slides) is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast;
  • second day: after 1 hr. l. powder in the morning and at lunch, 30 minutes before a meal;
  • the third and following days: in the same dosage — in the morning, lunch, evening.

The course of treatment is calculated on the 7 days.

It is important to know that when cleaning the organism from parasites may aggravate chronic diseases, appear weakness, nausea, dizziness, indigestion. When these symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Wormwood, worm — effective means to Ascarisoz, on enterobiasis, giardiasise, opisthorchiasis. But to use it themselves because of toxicity, do not recommend. The grass is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy. The use of this vermifuge remedies in children without a doctor's prescription is forbidden!